“Turbulence 4”, Study. 8”x 10”, Mixed water-based paints. $450.
My current work: "TURBULENCE SERIES" has been influenced by the current atmosphere of the political situation and divisions we are going through.
This series is mainly on canvas using Chalk Paint which is a continuation of my medium used on my painted art furniture. I'm happy with the safety factor: no noxious fumes.
I work on re-claiming and re-purposing furniture: painting images, using Chalk Paint and waxes and experimenting with "encaustic-like " painted surfaces.
Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada,
I graduated with honors and
awards from the N.S.C.A.D.U., Halifax,
NS. Over the years, my prints, paintings
and Limited Editions of Historic Halifax,
the Tall Ships, Peggy's Cove,
Grande Pre, and Shelburne, NS and
Montreal, QC, have made their way
around the world.
While traveling in Europe, North
Africa, South Korea, Canada and
the United States, Judy continues
to pursue her enjoyment of
Plein Air painting, documenting her
travels and painting historic landmarks,
gardens, etc.
Her work can be found in numerous
private, corporate and public collections,
here and abroad.
Judy's interest still lies in landscape
painting. Currently her focus is more
on the exploration of the reflection of
abstract images in our reality. However,
this does not mean submitting to
abstraction for the sake of abstraction
but understanding how that image
affects our reality.
There is a shifting of interest in the
exploration of the surface, texture and
juxtaposition of planes as they exist,
both in reflection and in reality.